Plastique de Reve has quite a few tracks that i like. my favorite of his is a track called 'Many Stars' Which i still listen to regularly today. If you want to know more check this out:
This is worth an hour of your life so minimize all outside distractions and cut loose.
The Time Machine #10 : Acid Flashback !!
Drax: Archetypes (Trope)
Mix: Pump Up The Acid (Hotmix 5) edit
The Children: Freedom (DJ International)
Colm III: Xmas Tree (Ruby Red)
Mario Smokin Diaz: Pump That Base (Hotmix 5)
Phuture: Your Only Friend (Trax)
Jack Master: Bang The Box (Basement Trax)
Dj Hell: Motherfunk (Disko B)
Southside Reverb: Fuck You We're From Texas (White)
Outlander: ESP (TZ 4)
Madonna 303: Love You More Than Sex Can Say (Structure)
DHS: Bad Acid - Jack Dangers rmx (PIAS)
Twin Drive: In-Sync (Structure)
Mad Mike: The Final Frontier (UR 003)
Plastikman: Vokx / Ovokx (Novamute)